GIGHOUSE, even better when combined with Connecting Expertise

GIGHOUSE always concludes new strategic partnerships with companies of which we ourselves get really excited and of which we are sure that they can offer added value to our clients. The outstanding service and integrated total solution of Connecting-Expertise is a great added value for us for companies with a flexpool of more than 50 flexible talents (freelancers).

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Why GIGHOUSE & Connecting Expertise.

Together we want to offer a solution in managing and attracting flexible (freelance) talent. Thanks to our partnership you not only have access to more than 12,000 screened freelance profiles, but you can also manage your entire contingent workforce (flexis, temps,...) in 1 central place.

An integrated approach for your contingent workforce

Recruiting screened freelancers, reviewing timesheets and drafting contracts.

Managing the entire contingent recruitment process, with insight and control, in a cost-effective and compliant manner.

One stop shop for recruiting, managing & selecting both new freelancers and managing your existing contingent workforce.

At Connecting-Expertise, we believe in empowering companies by giving them access to the best tools and talents. Our partnership with Gighouse fits perfectly with that vision. Gighouse brings a unique, personalized approach to matching freelancers with companies, and our technology ensures that the entire process - from selection to invoicing - is smooth and efficient.

Peter De Buck

Connecting Expertise

Briefly, what's in it for you?

  • Quick access to +12,000 screened freelancers for all your projects
  • Cost savings: Compare and analyze the cost of your flexible shell across all departments within your company.
  • Transparent matching based on your needs
  • Central system: 1 central system to manage your flexible workforce. Manage all your temporary employees conveniently from one platform.
  • Certainty about compliance: no more worries about regulations. We manage everything correctly for you.
  • Reporting: get insight into your talent pool with easy-to-use reporting tools.
  • Save time in managing your flexible workforce: optimize processes and focus on what really matters.

Want to know even more about integrating an FMS into a VMS?

Download the white paper via the link below


    Melanie Deblanc
    Sales Director
    +32 470 99 25 07